Chipping around the green is easier if you know how to adjust your stance, clubface and swing based on your position and lie. The same goes for chipping out of different cuts of rough and so on. View PGA Professional, Johan Kok, as he helps break it down, and simplify...
Practice these 3 putting drills repeatedly to shave strokes of your score. Train your muscle and visual memory and you’ll have less 3 putts! Putting Drill #1 1) Setup up to the ball. Push the ball towards the target. This will get you used to feeling your club...
You can ensure then your child avoids learning bad habits early in their golfing career! Golf is a sport that requires persistence and consistent practice. Junior camps, leagues, and lessons are a vital part of learning the game and learning how to play golf with each...
Golf tips from PGA Professional Johan Kok to help you know when to use your putter instead of a wedge around the green, to help simplify getting up-and-down. Two Times To Use a Putter Instead of a Wedge When You’re Off the Green When You’re in the Fringe...
Golf lessons will help you whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or experienced. However, each golfer is his or her own key to success. Lots of lessons are online but simply getting knowledge through video and not acting on what you have learned is a danger. You...